Wow! So , you guys really liked it! I really just needed a new post , so ill post a little about it. Summer Shorts was made by me a tomamoto at the beginning of the summer and we finished slightly after summer finished! Im really glad all you guys enjoyed it. Please look out for new flashes coming cause me and toma got somthing new coming out for you guys. And youll never be able to guess :]. Another thing , the song at the end is by guttermouth - do you like pancakes. I know people keep asking me in reviews :4. Lastly! Sorry for the short review responces but its really hard to just say more than thanks unless you give me somthing to thank you about!
On other note , with school starting back up , its gonna take a litttllee longer for me to put submissions out! But , they will be there.
SIDE FLASH NOTE :3 Im creating somthing voice acted by my buddy Yoink. He didnt really voice act it for this but , it was on his youtube page and i couldnt help but laugh. And that will be coming out REAL soon. Prolly this weekend , so look out for that.
Heres a nice little picture I made for you guys. I call it man woman.