
Age 32, Male

Designer & Developer

Mooresville, NC

Joined on 2/13/07

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3,480 / 3,600
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6.01 votes
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itsjms's News

Posted by itsjms - February 23rd, 2008

I love him. He makes me laugh.

I did this because a buddy of mine and I were doing this stupid competition thing to help him practice animation! Along with me :D.


Posted by itsjms - February 16th, 2008

Sprite TV2

Hey guys, so I just realised sprite tv 2 is out! And its amazing! I loved everyones part, and everything about it looked great. You guys surprised me with the robot chicken intro and I got a real kick out of that! Well, good job!

St1k.com / St1k.net development!

Ok, so heres whats happening with the site, right now its being developed into a pretty big site, it will feature user pages, and user submitted content, there will be a private uploader for all users along with the current uploader redesigned. The users will be able to submit blogs, pictures, movies, animation, games, and audio. There is also an interview page and tutorial page being released. The tutorials will be created by me and you guys, html/css/as/drawing/cs3/ and whatever else you want. We are also working on a forum. Oh! And users will be able to have messages and a friends list, user pictures ect... all of your submitted content will be instantly on the front page under the newest content section and if it is good enough will be featued in the featured content section. Along with all that, we will have unlockable user content. Stuff to help you guys out on the web and on st1k.net! So, look out for that. One more thing, after were all set up and going we WILL have weekly contest hopefully, with money prizes. So, keep checking up on it!


Ok, im really getting tired of waiting honestly... I have like 5 games for you guys, but no sponser... so please contact me if you wanna sponser. There all decent games. Look out for those as well.

Well, thanks guys for checking out my blog! Have a great day! :]

My drawing!
Low quality :[

Sprite TV2 and Updates!

Posted by itsjms - January 24th, 2008

Edit: Uploader Complete!
Finished my uploader http://st1k.net/ul
Host tons of file types... Enjoy!

Blah's Help Is Amazing!
Ok, so I needed some help doing some php. Well, I happened to run into
the old coder of ngup.net well I suppose he's just going to MAYBE help me a
little, but let me tell you. This guys super nice! He helped me finalize my uploader
code, step by step. :] thanks blah :]] <33 (not gay :D)

Linking to YOUR SITE!
Ok, I need your gifs :] or I cant link to you! Just pm me and you'll have a frontpage link to your site! Free from http://st1k.net :]

Game's about to come!
Here are just 4 finished un-released games... Im looking for a sponser right now so they should be released soon! Im not dead newgrounds :D


Site Update
Ok, I finally got around to creating a .php/.html website. Its much easier to update this way and I think it looks pretty nice! My old site now (portfolio) is port.st1k.net Thanks for anyone who clicks on my ads and such. Im TRYING to get an uploader going. I have 100gigs of space and will allow up to 15-20mb files... Give me some time, unless you a coder then. Throw me a pm!

Fagpop Jem!
Ok, all I have to say about that kid is, no. :] What do you guys think about him?

The revealing of me D:
Yes, thats me on my user pic. Enjoy how s3xy I am. XD

Posted by itsjms - December 3rd, 2007

Great job everyone! Really impressed with our work!

Posted by itsjms - December 1st, 2007

Whats this?
St1k here! Hosting another contest but this time with 100$ In prizes!

This was created because im so happy about my launch of my new site St1k.net! you guys had so much good feedback on my post on newgrouns I thought Id thank you by having another contest!

Ok , Im intrested what do I needa do?
You have 24 hours to turn in a funny short about fall/winter.
It can vary from when the leaves fall to when they start growing back!
The short can be completly random but needs to be funny enough to make everyone laugh.

FPS : 24
STAGE : 550x350
MINIMUM LENGTH : 6 seconds
MAX LENGTH : 50 seconds
No nudity.
Fowl language needs to be bleeped out if there is any.

Contact Me!
Please email me the part at s_t_1_k@hotmail.com
Or pm the part to me via newgrounds.com

Judging for the best short will be done by you guys! And a small panal of judges if there is a tie.

Prizes will be given out depending on the number of submissions!
30$ : If there are 7 parts turned in
50$ : If there are 10 parts turned in
70$ : If there are 12 parts turned in
80$ : If there are 14 parts turned in
100$ : If there are 18 parts turned in

To receive money!
You will need a paypal account to receive the money.
It will be given out 2 days after judging.

Posted by itsjms - November 29th, 2007

Coolio -

Ah! Coolio's new game is looking awesome! Ive been helping him test it out and dont worry guys its gonna be amazing! Thanks to him for including me in the game :] Also , me and him are making a music video that will be out by monday hopefully!

Eggy -
Ahh eggy! I liked nodes 2 its very nice 10/10! By the way guys , If you have xbox live add me! St2k is my gamertag! Me and eggy played guitar hero 3 last night together and I got powned by his stupid guitar that was actually a dead giraffe. Had fun eggy!

St1k.net -
New site design! Comment on it please I hope you guys like it! Also , If youll link to me ill like to you! Just throw me a comment and well hook up!

Link to St1k.net -
Hey guys link to me
<img src="http://st1k.net/images/St1kSiteLo go.png" border="0" alt="St1k.net">
Also , contact forum on the site works if you need anything done just fill one out.

Coolios game owns. Especially when im playing with my character ("James" Which is my real name)

Coolio,Eggy,Nodes, and St1k.net!

Posted by itsjms - November 20th, 2007

Hey guys! Speed roll 2 is currently being produced seeing as how well Speed Roll did. This time with a new theme and levels! Give me tips on what to do next!

Posted by itsjms - November 8th, 2007

Hey guys! Check out my new art on st1k.deviantart.com and add me / comment! Also , got an awsome new game coming out soon! Some comments would be nice and some adds on deviant!

Posted by itsjms - November 1st, 2007

Heres my new game! Hope you enjoy! This was actually a game made a while back and we were waiting to release it for some time. Finally released here it is! Could I get some comments and reviews on the game on my userpage and on the game itself!? thanks :]



Posted by itsjms - October 30th, 2007

When did the tank .gif start appearing by the newgrounds.com on my firefox!? Its awsome!