Sprite TV2
Hey guys, so I just realised sprite tv 2 is out! And its amazing! I loved everyones part, and everything about it looked great. You guys surprised me with the robot chicken intro and I got a real kick out of that! Well, good job!
St1k.com / St1k.net development!
Ok, so heres whats happening with the site, right now its being developed into a pretty big site, it will feature user pages, and user submitted content, there will be a private uploader for all users along with the current uploader redesigned. The users will be able to submit blogs, pictures, movies, animation, games, and audio. There is also an interview page and tutorial page being released. The tutorials will be created by me and you guys, html/css/as/drawing/cs3/ and whatever else you want. We are also working on a forum. Oh! And users will be able to have messages and a friends list, user pictures ect... all of your submitted content will be instantly on the front page under the newest content section and if it is good enough will be featued in the featured content section. Along with all that, we will have unlockable user content. Stuff to help you guys out on the web and on st1k.net! So, look out for that. One more thing, after were all set up and going we WILL have weekly contest hopefully, with money prizes. So, keep checking up on it!
Ok, im really getting tired of waiting honestly... I have like 5 games for you guys, but no sponser... so please contact me if you wanna sponser. There all decent games. Look out for those as well.
Well, thanks guys for checking out my blog! Have a great day! :]
My drawing!
Low quality :[
Are you emo?