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Google Chrome + Tom I Beat Castle Crashers Review!

Posted by itsjms - September 4th, 2008

Tom I Beat Castle Crashers The Review!


Castle Crashers was awesome. It was totally worth every single Microsoft point I spent on it. If I do say so myself it is one of the biggest, most fun, and best quality arcade games on the xbox arcade marketplace. I have purchased quite a few of them, including some of the most popular. But, Castle Crashers keeps me coming back. Everything in the game was great and I will break it up into sections for easier reading for you kids that hate to read.

Gameplay 10/10


The gameplay in Castle Crashers was amazing, all characters were unique and had a nice twist to them. The effects and movements all fit together perfectly. The button masher style gameplay along with cool combos at certain levels were awesome. Finding the cute and cool looking animals around the game also gave me reasons to go back and play through previous level's giving me a second more in depth look at the ingenious level design. All the levels had a unique twist and were put together better than big companies in my opinion. The game never bored me and I enjoyed every second of gameplay. The game also wasn't as easy as I expected. I found myself stuck at levels trying to gain skills to pass on to the next level. It was just all amazing. Also, the final boss was very hard and very fun. And the end of the game had me laughing my ass off. I didn't even see that coming.

Graphics 10/10


The graphics were awesome, from the boomerang to all the character to designs. Every move flowed smoothly together and the overall cartoon look of the game made it great. It is definitly super unique among other sidescrollers. I loved finding what the next cute animal would be and what the next cahracter would end up being. I loved the little blobs that attack you and the knights that for some reason reminded me of starwars with there light sabers.

Sounds and Music 10/10


I could tell most of the music was created by our truely amazing users over at the audio portal. I enjoyed every track and all of them fit in. I saw some stuff I had also previously heard and or used in a submission or two here at newgrounds. It was just all once again awesome guys.

Exploits I have found


If you guy's need money in the game I would reccomend beating the game and not worrying about it until the end. Level up your magic to the max and just go back to the barbarian boss and beat his ass using your magic. I just grab a bunch of gear that up's my magic skill along with the animal that helps it out as well. I have killed him a few times were he doesnt even get one hit in. Most of the time he gets one move in that I dodge and then its over. But, you can make about 100 gold or so a match. Its a pretty easy glitch. There is also a glitch for experience using the boomerang but I am to tires to explain it right now, just look it up on youtube :P

Final Note


If you want the best game on the xbox live arcade marketplace just go purchase castle crashers. Its a big game that will keep you going for days or weeks and never gets old. Only if they would fix the damn xbox live thing so I can finish out my achevment's list.

Google Chrome


Just downloaded googles new browser they released to check out the beta. It's pretty nice. I still think I will stick with firefox for now though. But, I would reccomend checking it out. Its super slick with hardly anything but the assentials. Im not sure if they have add-on's yet and for that I will stick with firefox. But, It looks pretty awesome.


Tom, thank me once again for promoting your game. I know im pretty much getting about 789 people to buy your game.


Yea, I am using Chrome more often than Firefox because it runs soo much smoother than any other internet browser.

Yeah for me though, im so used to more than just tabs being up at the top though. I dont like how small they tried to make it. It also doesnt have the bar down at the bottom where it says loading the page unless it IS loading something. Then, the bar doesnt go all the way across. I think it looks stupid. Hopefully they will fix some stuff. But, it does look clean, simple, and nice.


Get the boomerang by going into forest entrance with the hidden item finder and let him find it for you, go to the bat boss throw it behind him, as he gets infront of you pull up your shield and let it hit his back, do this with giraffe on insane mode and you will get like 5 levels at a time

Straight up, thank you decade<3

Google Chrome is evil


Just for this review, I''m not going to buy Castle Crashers... Thanks a lot.
loljk ;P

Google chrome's cool, expect for the random lags and buggy spell check

Yup, I agree spell check needs work.

If I was Tom Fulp I'd buy Sling Sling for two thousand dollars right now.

Lol, we actually still havnt sold it. Its just sitting there on my desktop, finished.

Who's Castle Smasher?

Also, Chrome Freezes a few times for me and can't seem to handle having flash or MSN open.

Also Tits.

Hell yeah.

I'm pretty sure anyone caring enough to ONLY read a review about CC from you, have either already bought it or heard of it.

Also, it's Essential not Assential.

i dont care >:C

Smashedsmurf - Don't be such a fucking dick.

I'm gunna go check out Google Chrome now... Thanks for giving me somthing to do. =]

no problem!

Yea, castle crashers is pretty fun, and google chrome is awesome, though i don't know if it's just me, but it can't play youtube videos, it all freezes up and then crashes, I'm using firefox as my default, but I'm currently on chrome. Yes, the spell checker is a bit odd, apparently google isn't in the dictionary :P

lol... yeah google chrome is to buggy for me


O.o' Ignore that last comment from me, I misclicked. Anyways, Google Chrome is alright. As other said, it's still not perfect. Though it's still in the Beta version. As far as plugins go, they're to be in later versions, but right now it's just a core thing and fixing bugs (Like the lag and flash support). I did however fix the first 3rd party theme for Chrome. It's called MacV1 by Thorny. I believe you can get the theme from DeviantArt but I found a Chrome plugins site for when plugins are actually an option.


I like chrome a lot but it seems to have a lot of bugs still. With links not always working and such. The full release will be much better I hope.

Good review by the way!


You are emo.

you are a douche bag.

I think Castle Crashers is great but I still like Braid better :P

Wish my Xbox hadn't of broke.

:c sorryz.

Cool. You convinced me. When I get my 360, it will be added to it. :P
And about Chrome: it SUCKS! For now and for 50 % only... Yeah, it has some big major security failures. But it is still a beta, so we actually can't blame it for that...
Loading pages is freaking awsome: it is done way faster than my fastest browser! Might use Chrome even more when it's final release apeares...

Wo0t! see tom, i got one buy!

Yeah Chrome is really fast, but I just can't get away from firefox and my favorite addons. It's still cool though, and Google hasn't let me down before.
For Castle Crashers though... I have to wait. I have a Playstation 3, not an Xbox 360. Why can't there only be one console?!? Gee guess I'll play it when my friend comes over with his 360.

Ew ps3 is bad.