
Age 32, Male

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Mooresville, NC

Joined on 2/13/07

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it was really good but lagged my computer sometimes

Yeah. He's an animator at the (awesome) site 'Shiftlimits.com" It's nice to see people revolutionizing stick figure animation.

Thank you.

I don't know why everyone keeps saying "Golly, Adam Phillips is the best there is", or "This isn't even close to Adam Phillips". What, is he a unit of comparison now? This equals 1/3 of a Adam Phillips?

Honestly, this AND Adam Phillips is/are great, and I know you laced some sarcasm into your title ;D

People need to just leave higher powers out of the question and just say how something is for what it is.

Wait, wasn't this submitted to NG like a month ago? Unless this one has a bunch of extra shit. It was shunned by our users, but it won RCP, which it definitely deserved. It's absolutely amazing the way you can control the movie.

But yeah, comparing it to Adam Phillips' work is like comparing a watermelon to a computer mouse.

Lol, never even saw it. Its on top 50.

hmm, well i found the only thing particularly interesting were the glowing little swords and effects. otherwise i can't watch this for more than 1 minute-- so i guess i can't be called a stick fanatic.

there's actually quite alot of flash animation out there as good if not better than most (not all) of Phillips works.
You just gotta browse like a madman to find them.

True that. ;D

better than anything is still open to personal interpretation. For some people sticks really rubs their clits.. i thought it was refreshing. From an animator's standpoint i know how munch more brutal making something full body is so im tentative to give it the award of best anything..

Thought the movie controls thing was kind of cheesy. I did like how he threw the curveball and randomized it a bit.

Anywho.. it was neat but he would have run into an insane amount of visual challenges if he had to deal with a full body animation

yup. He did fulbody the heads though. And, its still great. If he FB'ed that whole scene it would be insane.

I liked that a fair bit.
I thought your sword effects were phenomenal.
The music was awesome I loved the 8bit feel to it.

All in all this has to be THE best stick animations ive seen in all 16 years of my life.
I loved the sound effects when their sword collided, Where did you get them because I WANT THEM!!

Anyway, As much as I think that the Stick Style of animation is overused I somewhat thought this one was different, I cant quite put my finger on it, weather it be the smoothness or weather it be the clean sound effects I dont know but this is one excellent animation.

I look forward to seeing more work like this from you in the near future.

Enjoy the review.


lol, review on the flash. Its not mine silly. Pay attention to authors.

I really don't think it's even relevant to bring Adam Phillips in to this. Like Luis said, saying this is better or worse is subjective. I don't think there's really any comparison between this and Adam Phillips work, they're on two completely different levels. The approach either artist took is fundamentally different in many ways. That said, it's very very impressive and I was entertained. Completely kick ass, well choreographed fighting. But... as far as traditional animation skills go... and originality... and creativity... let's get real here, Phillips obviously takes the cake.

XD I could watch a stick movie. lol 1 hour 30 minutes of fighting.

I sadly didn't get any enjoyment out of this. At all. The randomized thing was nifty, but that is it, and that's just a gimmick in the end, not quality.

I honestly thought the animation itself was pretty poor. Stiff and didn't really take advantage of the fact that you could totally push the limits of the basic principles with something as simple as sticks. The sword effects were pretty much just filters too.

I'd rather watch a dick tweened across the screen than this thing, but that's just me.

Still, it's a neat concept and with some work you could make something pretty fantastic out of the general idea.

P.S. Zekey is totally right. Even here on NewGrounds there are better animators than Adam. Phillips' real talent is elegant story telling and environmental and atmospheric work.

That was amazingly well done for a stick fight. Thanks for sharing!

Anytime :]

y every1 so pissed cuz its a stick fight. the realisticness of the movements and the insane attention to detail makes this an incredible flash. watched it 6 times already, its incredible.

yo fuckin kidding me right

Wait, what? Don't get me wrong, I love fight movies, but that isn't even half as detailed and involved as Phillips' stuff. It is sweeter than SHOCK to me, and even more my type of thing than Brackenwood, but it's not even that level until he ditches the sticks.

I don't think most people understood how awesome that truly was.

Thank you :]

when I open this page... I was only thinking on tell you... that you were wrong...
because Adam Phillips is my favorite Flash artist... but...

I just saw the movie... and I'm shocked...
is absolutely the best graphics I ever saw... yep... it's probably better than Adam work... well, probably... XD

but.. i insist... is absolutely awesome...
I never imagine something like that

<3 love you (lolz straight guy love)

This post would actually probably make ppl vote lower on it cause they'd be outraged that you would compare it to adam and vote like 0..

But it's definitely a top notch stick anim. It actually started with a low 3.4 when it first came out of the portal. Funny how China bans Newgrounds. heh. (Which means Justsolo can't even come here.) :<

Lol... prolly cause there rockzorz at animation. Eh its now number 1 in the portal...